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We are making a difference

Jan. 18 Joel Bergsbaken; Program Coordinator, Hearing, Speech & Deafness Center. "Opening the World of Communication."
Feb. 15 "Bridging the Gap; -Connecting Our Community to Hearing Health" A Panel of Au.d, students from Western Washington University.
​Mar. 15 "Cochlear Implants; New surgical techniques and processor features".
Dr . Chad Ruffin MD;
Apr. 19 " Before you buy Hearing Aids-A check list"Pamela Spencer, MA, CCC-A, Aud.
(C), FAAA; and a Panel of Members"
May 17 "Dear Abby! - Sharing our communications, Problems and Solutions" Bring your questions to ask our panel of members.
Jun. 21 " All about the Buzz. Tinnitus Revisited". Tracey Demmon, Au.D., Hearing Northwest.
Jul. 19 "TBD"
Aug. 16 Cracked Crab Dinner Cruise;
San Juan Cruises. RSVP required.
Sep. 20 "When Hearing Aids are not enough"
Nichole Grimes, Engagement Manager, Cochlear Americas.
Oct. 18 TBD + 21st Anniversary Celebration.
Nov. 15 "Help with Medicare Open Enrollement"
Washington Office of Insurance Commissioner.
Dec. TBD Christmas Potluck; Celebrating the Season Together ; 12-3 pm:
Join us for our always delish. Christmas potluck and fun white elephant gift exchange. Please bring a dish to share. We will supply coffee, soft drinks, plates, and utensils.

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